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KEMPHOS is a surfactant free phosphatizer, specially developed for the phosphatization of ferrous products. The use of the product allows to coat the metal surface with a light layer of iron and zinc phosphate mixed with the characteristic blue color. The treatment gives the surface the best characteristics for the anchoring of subsequent coatings and improves corrosion resistance.

In particular, it is possible to temporarily protect the ferrous materials in the interoperational phases provided that the instructions regarding the procedure and subsequent storage of the parts are carefully observed.



Physical state: liquid
Color:  from clorless to straw yellow

Theoretic yeld : 5 g/m2 ca.

Density(20°C) : 1,15   ± 0.05 Kg/dm3

Solubility in water: complete

pH(t.q.):  1 ÷ 2



Product solutions can be used for immersion and spraying especially as pre-paint treatment. The surfaces of the articles must be clean and free from oily residues and thermal oxides. Therefore, preliminary degreasing treatments (DERKEMP MAT) and / or pickling (METALDEC line)




It is recommended to use between 0.8% and 2.5%, the exact concentration should be defined according to the workmanship. The operating temperature should be between 40 ° C and 70 ° C and the contact time between 1 and 3 min.

Preparation of the bath

Fill for ¾ approx. the tank, then add the required amount of KEMPHOS and then the remaining quarter of water

Process management

  1. Clean, pickle, degrease the product as appropriate
  2. Perform phosphatization
  3. Rinse with clean water
  4. Dry (if possible with hot air)

Spray (Pressure Nozzle)

The product concentration at the outlet from the nozzles (or the heater) must be about 1% ÷ 1.5%  and the temperature around 65 ° C.

Process management is similar to the previous case.


The bath should be checked with the appropriate KEMPHOS KIT to verify its concentration and with specific indicator charts for the pH check which must be maintained within the 3.5 ÷ 4.0 range.