Kemphos Dec Gel is a new formulation that meets many requirements regarding the finish of iron products.
Kemphos Dec Gel is able to remove welding residues and oxides that are generated on laser cutting areas within a few minutes.
Its gel consistency allows localized application of the product even on vertical surfaces.
Kemphos Dec Gel does not emit fumes even when applied and is active on the surface and contaminants.
Containing special wet wetting self-expands on surfaces evenly and penetrates quickly into the contaminants to be removed, ensuring quick action times.
Kemphos Dec Gel removes all types of inorganic oxides and contaminants that can adversely affect subsequent coating cycles.
The use of Kemphos Dec Gel does not interfere with the phases of phosphatization and preparation of the painted surfaces.




Aspect: tixotropic gel.
Color: colorless.
Odor:  odorless
Spec weight(a 20°C): 1,20 ± 0,05
pH (as it is): < 1




Apply the product as it is by means of acid resistant brush material.
During the drawing up pay attention to cover  completely the contamination that you want to delete.
After application wait 5 to 20 minutes, the time depends on the consistency of contamination, then rinse with water.
In case the application of the product precedes the phospho-degreasing step, rinsing may not be necessary, consult our technical staff.