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Iodophore sanitizing containing the PVP-iodio complex as the active ingredient..

The special surfactants present, in addition to carrying out the function of 'carrier' molecules, are able to reduce the surface tension of the use solutions by increasing its wettability and penetrating power. This allows iodine active molecules to exert better activity on microorganisms.

Its spectrum of action is such that it is active on: Gram + and Gram- on the molds and also shows an interesting sporicidal activity.

The contact times of its solutions range from 5 to 10 minutes.

BIOSAN IODIO is indicated for: livestock breeding (pigs, rabbits, all poultry and bovines), and in the Food and Feed sector: oenological industries, breweries, bottled industries (juices, soft drinks) and the conserveria industry


Physical state               : liquid

Color                             : dark brown

Density(20°C)                   : 1,03 Kg/lt about

Viscosity                       : 150 cps about

Solubility in water         : total

pH(sol. 1%)                       : 1,5-2

Iodine active (sol.1%)      : 100 ppm      


Prepare the aqueous solutions of product at 0.6- 1% (6-10 gr / lt).

Distribute with sprinkler on walls and floors or use them as baths of
immersion for various instrumentation and equipment.

Leave to work for the set time and rinsing.

Such solutions once prepared, should be used within 24 hours as the iodine title decreases.

In the case of zoonoses (eg mixomatosis, swine fever, diarrheal colitis, etc.), bring the dose to 20% (200 gr / lt).



  • Iodine active : 1%
  • Co-formers just enough to 100




10,30,60 Kg Canisters

1Kg bottles

WARNINGS: Contacts with plastic components should preferably be avoided or minimized to the minimum necessary to avoid yellow spots.
In any case, accurate rinsing is necessary.


 Iode base sanitizing_KEMPER