It is a transparent lubricant with special anti-wear additives for fast circular type textile machines for socks and knitwear.
It doesn't affect or stain textile fibers, it removes the dust that settles on the yarn sliding holes and doesn’t attack metals.
Its viscosity is such as to maintain a good degree of lubrication even in the fastest machines, avoiding them the phenomenon of overheating and the formation of sludge.

The presence of emulsifying additives allows the easy and rapid removal of stains that may form on the tissues.

In the normal version, in fact, the product is easily emulsifiable in water and therefore easily removable from fabrics that can be accidentally stained.
The "NOT EMULSIONABLE" version is also available on request. In this case there is a better lubricating action but a greater difficulty in removing any contamination.



Apply by spray using an oiler or with a brush.
In machines with automatic distribution, pour the oil into the appropriate tank.



Aspect:loily liquid

Color: colorless

ISO Viscosity:32/46/68 cSt (40°C)

Viscosity °E : 3.0–4.1–5.7 °E(50°C)

On request, it can be formulate with other viscosity values