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WOOD OIL products are formulated to a highly lubricating and resistant to extreme pressures and high temperatures that develop in woodworking with machine tools.

  • It doesn’t contain silicones, which could cause problems in subsequent painting operations

  • It doesn’t contain mineral oils that could leave residues and damage the surface of the wood.

  • It protects machines and equipment from rust.

  • Prevent resin scaling on tools.

  • It forms a durable and water-repellent film that almost completely drains wood friction on the worktops.


WOOD OIL is available

- bulk in packs of 5-30-60-200 Liters

- 400 ml spray bottle


Bulk product:

-Aspect:                     trasparent liquid

-Colour:                     colourless

-Odor:                        odorless

-Density (20°C):        0.70 Kg/liter

-Solub. in water:        insoluble

- Flammabil.point:     60 °C




-Aspect:                     trasparent liquid

-Colour:                     colourless

-Odor:                        odorless

-Density(20°C):        0.70 Kg/liter

-Solub.in water:        insoluble






WOOD OIL is used to facilitate sliding of wood panels on the machine, even the heaviest.

It is also used to avoid resin screeds on floors and blades and to protect against oxidation and rust formation facilitated by wood secrecy. The product can be used on sawdust boards, drilling planes, lathes, planks, sectional, belt and circular saws as well as on all portable tools.